Exif Information

Art HTML Listing

Art HTML Listing creates filtered, sorted, fully customizable directory indexes, listings, menus and site maps in HTML, DHTML, XML, text and CSV formats. Supports HTML titles, MP3 ID3 tags, EXIF information, icons, media types, MD5 and SHA1 hashes, and

Image Properties for Camera Phones

This is a utility designed to read EXIF information of JPEG images captured by camera phones. Several information that can be read using this utility are: file name, file size, phones brand, phones model, date and time, orientation, exposure, exposure

Watermark Express

Watermark Express is a powerful and professional watermarking software that helps you to protect your digital photo easily! With Watermark Express, you will be able to add text, EXIF information, image, logo watermark to your photo to protect your

BD Sizer  v.3. 3. 2003

Use this utility to downsize your existing images to a self-definable maximum file size. You can apply caption titles and frames. Includes an XMP Editor to view/edit existing XMP information. Also keeps your Exif information.

Photo-Bon Image Color Optimization  v.3 1

Photo-Bon Image Color Optimization Software has 16 color styles to edit and increase quality of your digital camera photo. It can display photo EXIF information and adjust Exposure/White Balance, also show Exposure Overflow.

ELPhotoX ActiveX DLL  v.2 11

ELPhotoX is ActiveX DLL which encapsulates most important image processing routines. With ELPhotoX library you can load and save image files, convert image files into different image formats, read and write EXIF information,

TWebAlbum  v.4 2

Image/Photo Archive Database with full website creation and maintenance. Indexes images using EXIF information where available, Add keywords, subjects, descriptions to images. Perform keyword searchs on images, Create complete website with Search and

SetNameToTime  v.2.4.9

SetNameToTime is a convenient utility for digital camera owners, that allows to easily rename digital photos (jpg/tiff) based on the EXIF information that is included with nearly all digital cameras.

COPI (Chronological Order Preparation of Images)  v.1.0

COPI (Chronological Order Preparation of Images) provide a graphical tool helping users to sort their images (taken from different unsynchronized sources) by preparing a chronological order (timeshifting the exif-information and renaming). All images

A-PDF Photo Exif Editor  v.1.3

A-PDF Photo Exif Editor a professional tool to view, edit, remove or create Exif (or metadata) data in images. As the best assistant to edit & modify images information for photographers, image pickers.

EXIF ReName for Mac and Linux  v.0.1.10

Rename picture files that contain EXIF-data.

Rename to EXIF date  v.0.1

You will hardly find applications with a more basic interface and simpler functionality than those in Rename to EXIF date.

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